ICC Missions

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©2007-25 ICC Missions
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The ICCM churches give a lot of attention and care to raising our children in a loving and safe environment. Our Sunday school is called Kingdom Kids and generally there are classes for children aged 2 to 13. During our midweek meeting the classes also include the teens. The number of classes will vary depending on the membership size and number of children in each church. Every year we organise four to five camps/retreats to meet the different needs of the youth and family ministry. They are typically: - a father and son (aged 5 to 10 years old) retreat usually around Easter, - a mother and daughter (aged 5 to 10 years) retreat usually in the autumn, - Pre-teen Camp (ages 10 to 12) the end of July and - Teen Camp (ages 13 upwards) the beginning of August. Local events are also organised such as father & daughter dances and preteen & teen activities and devotionals. We take safeguarding seriously and work with the 31:8 (the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service). If you have any questions please ask your local church leaders.