ICC Missions

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About Us

The International Church of Christ (ICOC) is a fellowship of congregations who are bonded by the cross of Christ. We make our best efforts to love God and each other. We believe that the Bible is the word of God and is a marvelous guide for daily living. We appreciate the forgiveness that comes through Jesus Christ and are eager to share this good news with others.

Our modern origins go back to 1982. A handful of Christians moved to London specifically to establish a congregation that could take the message of Jesus to our capital city and beyond. Over the last 40 years churches have been planted from London to Birmingham (1988), Manchester (1989), Edinburgh (1991) and many other cities in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Currently over 1500 people meet each Sunday around the United Kingdom and Ireland. We are a multi-cultural, multi-racial group and this is reflected in our heritage of planting churches abroad as well as training and sending missionaries to the Indian Subcontinent, Africa, South Asia and many other places around the world. We sponsor the benevolent organization 'HOPE worldwide'.

We are grateful to be disciples of Jesus and appreciate the fellowship we have with one another. Please click on any of the churches on the left of the page to find out more about any of our congregations. Alternatively go to the “Find a church” page to discover the church nearest to you.

Charity Info

ICC Missions is a Christian organisation, comprising twelve member churches situated in Belfast, Birmingham, Cambridge, Cardiff, East London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, London, Manchester, and Watford.

ICC Missions has links with other churches within the family of churches known as the International Churches of Christ, in the UK and overseas, but they remain independent of it and are separate legal entities.

ICC Missions is both a company limited by guarantee (Company Number 04272228) and a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1092123). Its registered address is 30 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AU.

The objectives of ICC Missions are defined in its Articles of Association as follows:

"The advancement of the Christian religion in the United Kingdom and elsewhere throughout the world; and the relief of poverty and sickness and the distress arising therefrom of any person who is suffering as a result of drought, earthquake, flood or other natural disaster or who by reason of his or her social and economic conditions is in need of such assistance".

The Trustees are as follows :
  • Andrew Agerbak (Chair): works as a Partner and Director at one of the world's top management consulting firms, where since 2000 he has advised the leaders of major global and UK private and public sector institutions on technology-enabled business transformation, including two of the world's best known charities. He has a BEng in Electronic Engineering with Computer Science from University College, London, and began his career with technology roles at IBM and Computacenter. Andrew was baptised in the London congregation's student ministry in 1986, and has served in a broad range of church roles including leading small groups in community and professional settings, youth and family ministry, teaching on the the reasonableness of the Christian faith, leading a church planting to Oxford for four years, a year in Stockholm, Sweden, and various pastoral roles. He currently also serves on the leadership group of the NW region in the London church. He has been married for over 30 years to Rhoda, a teacher and counsellor, and they have together raised four children, and have led marriage and parenting workshops both in the UK and internationally. Andrew is also a keen photographer and very occasional triathlete and rock climber.
  • Michael Farrell: is an ACCA qualified accountant with over 20 years experience in the publishing and the not-for-profit sectors, currently working as CEO of HOPE worldwide. He has been married to Joanne (Matron for Child & Youth Services, ret.) since 1991, and they have three grown up children. Michael serves with his wife as part of the leadership team in South London and also within the Youth & Family ministry. He is the ICCM UK Safeguarding Lead. An armchair Liverpool football fan who loves to live life to the full and who can be best described as a “jack of all trades”.
  • Peter Frost: is a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, working as a Principal Consultant for a leading systems engineering consultancy in the civil nuclear sector. He is married to Justine and has three grown-up children (two daughters and a son). He has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 2003 and was also a member of the Board of Trustees for the predecessor charity.
  • Ian Tootill: is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, working as the Head of Finance for an IT division in NHS Scotland. He leads a house group in the Edinburgh church; is a member of the church shepherding group, and enjoys cycling and languages. He has two teenage daughters, and worked with his wife, a surgeon, for a charity hospital in Cambodia, for 9 years until 2006, as the Directors of Finance and Surgery, training national staff as part of the rebuilding of the country’s healthcare system. He previously helped plant churches in India and Manchester.

  • We believe and assert that:

    1. There is one true God, the only God that exists, the God of Abraham, Jacob and the sons of Israel, who reveals himself to the world as The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:5; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).

    2. Jesus of Nazareth is the prophesied Jewish Messiah, the Son of God and the one and only Saviour of humanity. (Mark 14:62; John 1:29-34; Acts 4:12).

    3. Jesus was crucified and was resurrected bodily on the third day after his execution. He was seen alive by his apostles, including his brother James, Mary Magdalene and over 500 unnamed men. He was seen lastly by the apostle Paul (1 Cor 15:1-8). The death of Jesus on the cross is the full and final sacrifice for our sins and his blood is the price of our redemption (Ephesians 1:7, 2:13). The resurrection demonstrates the power of God over sin and death. This provides our motivation for all we do as followers of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14-21).

    4. The Bible is the divinely inspired history of redemption and is sufficient for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It is also the primary constitutional authority for the church’s faith and life. (2 Timothy 3: 14-17, John 5:39; 2 Peter 1:16-21).

    5. Rebirth and entry into the Kingdom of God is by repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2: 36-41; John 3:3-5; 1 Peter 3: 20-21; Romans 6: 3-7).

    6. The church is the body of Christ and the vessel of his continuing mission to the world to reconcile men to God. Each Christian is a member of this body and a part of the mission. (1 Cor 12:12; Ephesians 3:20-21).

    7. The life of the church is to be characterised by the fruits of the Holy Spirit, by each member’s individual devotion to Jesus Christ and by the Christians’ corporate responsibility to one another. (Galatians 5:16-25; Ephesians 4:1-3).

    8. Jesus will return in the future to bring the entire world into judgment, at which time there will be a final resurrection where all humanity will face God. The Kingdom of God will at this time be finally actualised and the people of God reconciled to God forever. (John 12:44-50; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 21-22).